Harvard Business Review 20- Minute Manager Giving Effective Feedback

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Aug 22, 2020 rated it really liked information technology
Giving feedback is alike to a negotiation - it is a daunting task, which needs to be handled tactfully (and all of us intuitively believe that we are really good at it).
Both parties need to be in consonance. Ane wrong move can impair the relation between the director and the subordinate and both will terminate worse-off than they were earlier the feedback coming together.

Primal insights:

• What makes a feedback effective?
• It is shared frequently and in context.
• It aims to accomplish a specifi c consequence.
• It is real

Giving feedback is akin to a negotiation - information technology is a daunting task, which needs to be handled tactfully (and all of usa intuitively believe that we are really good at it).
Both parties need to exist in consonance. One wrong move can impair the relation betwixt the manager and the subordinate and both volition end worse-off than they were before the feedback meeting.

Key insights:

• What makes a feedback effective?
• It is shared frequently and in context.
• Information technology aims to achieve a specifi c consequence.
• It is realistic in its expectations.
• It shows respect for the recipient.
• Information technology is a ii-way conversation.
• It is expressed as a point of view, rather than an
accented truth.
• Information technology assumes an opportunity for follow-up.
• Providing feedback is non only a hoop to jump through when the fourth dimension for operation
reviews rolls around. It should be an ongoing process woven into the fabric of everyday work.

• Avoid giving feedback in these circum - stances:
• When you do non take all the data
about a given incident
• When the simply feedback you can offer concerns
factors that the recipient cannot easily change
or control
• When the person who needs the feedback
appears to be highly emotional or especially
vulnerable immediately after a diffi cult event
• When yous exercise not have the fourth dimension or the patience
to deliver the feedback in a calm and thorough
• When the feedback is based on your personal
preference, not a demand for more constructive
Giving Eff ective Feedback
• When you have not all the same formulated a possible
solution to assistance the feedback recipient motility
• Giving feedback is to influence the post-obit. The following is ranked in ascending club of difficulty to influence (easy to influence to difficult to influence)
o Task Skills
o Time & work management
o Cognition
o Attitudes
o Habits
o Personality traits

Feedback is most likely to bear upon learning, growth,
and alter in areas that to the lowest degree threaten the recipient's
sense of self-worth. Feedback about attitudes, habits,
and personality traits tin striking shut to domicile. Does
that mean y'all should not try to infl uence the behavior
of a person who, for instance, wholly dislikes
collaboration? Of course not. But it will exist more effective
to directly your efforts toward, say, getting that
person to follow clearly outlined steps in a collaboration
protocol rather than making a blanket need
that she "larn to enjoy teamwork."

• Difference between Feedback, Coaching and Performance Appraisals
o Feedback – to reinforce or change behavior
o Coaching – to better skills
o Performance appraisals – to evaluate past work

• Feedback session checklist
o One-line overview – eg. – your subordinate Mr. X was rude to the customer
o Objective report of the behavior – customer screamed at Mr. X. He retaliated
o Objective report of the effect on the team or project – others sitting beside Mr.X were disturbed. Reputation of the company volition exist tarnished
o Potential objections to the objection report & how you will address them – mr. X may deny that he spoke rudely. If he does, tell him nigh the corroborative bear witness of the witnesses
o Discussion plan – provide facts, mind to Mr. X'due south version of events, make articulate that rude behavior will not be tolerated, ruminate & decide style forwards
o Possible barriers to the feedback – he may get angry with this feedback signal
o Ways to overcome the barrier – don't judge. Listen to his point of view
o What questions practice you have – what really transpired? How can he avert losing command in the future if such situations ascend
o What questions might you be asked – he may ask "what to practice in the future", "what sort of behavior qualified as rudeness"
o Desired short-term results – have him committed & friendly to the customer
o Desired long-term results – notice a way to make the chore for him less frustrating

• Tip for giving positive feedback

When yous're giving positive feedback, sending
good early signals is commonly not diffi cult. The very
context—that yous want to say something complimentary—
is frequently enough. Identify what you're praising
in specifi c terms. For example, "Maria, you did a corking
job on the Simmons project this by week. I was particularly
impressed with how yous handled the client'due south
concerns nigh deadlines and the action plan you developed
in response. I'd similar to show what you did to
the rest of the team." Don't stop there. Ask Maria what
allowed her to practice such a bang-up job. You may find
gems you didn't anticipate.

• Tip for giving corrective feedback

Let's return to the example with Judy. You might
exist tempted to begin the conversation by summarizing
what you've heard and laying down the police force: "Judy,
I've heard from a customer that you were rude
to him terminal week, and a few other team members
overheard and agreed. You just can't speak that
way to a customer. What practise you have to say for yourself?"
This sort of approach is likely to brand Judy
defensive and isn't going to brand her whatsoever less angry
and anxious than she may already be (as you will accept
identified in your prep work).
Instead, yous might first the conversation in the
following manner to remove some of the barriers you lot
identified: "Judy, y'all know we're here to discuss what happened on your client telephone call earlier this week.
I'd get-go like to share the information I take virtually
the situation, and and so I desire to hear your bespeak of
view. After that, we can hash out what to practise side by side. How
does that sound to you?" Because you opened the discussion
in this way, Judy can immediately see it as
a 2-sided conversation and empathize that you
aim to work with her to find the correct solution to the
trouble. She'll know that she will accept a chance to exist
heard, and that may make her feel less angry and broken-hearted
and more respected. You can and then describe your
understanding of the incident and encourage her to
share her point of view.

• Listen actively, monitor non-exact cues & your ain reaction, PARAPHRASE WHAT SHE SAID

• Paraphrase what the recipient says. Past restating
her response in different words, you lot testify
the other person that you have understood her
signal. If annihilation is unclear, ask more questions
until both of you are on the aforementioned folio.

• For eg- if employee comes tardily everyday, ask her, see if alternative time schedule can be arranged/ if she can piece of work from home for 2-3 days a calendar week
• Cheque-in regularly, ask her to describe her progress, exist explicit about the improvements you lot are noticing – offer praise and reinforcement to bolster her progress,

• How to evaluate feedback process – iii stages – Procedure, Relationship & Results

Planning the feedback
Initiating the meeting
Discussing pertinent points
Listening to the recipient
Developing an activity plan
Communication style
Recipient's reaction
Level of mutual trust and respect
Touch on of changes
Timeliness of changes
Expectations and progress

Héctor Iván Patricio Moreno
Estos libros pensasdos para personas con poco tiempo son muy efectivos en enseñarte las bases de algo, sin lo que no puedes empezar, y darte un índice para aprender más: libros, artículos y temas relacionados.

En ese libro se propone un plan básico para empezar a dar retroalimentación a tu equipo, cómo te debes preparar, cómo dar retroalimentación a empleados difíciles y también a las estrellas de tue equipo. Finalmente invita a establecer una cultura en la que dar retroalimentación sea lo natura

Estos libros pensasdos para personas con poco tiempo son muy efectivos en enseñarte las bases de algo, sin lo que no puedes empezar, y darte un índice para aprender más: libros, artículos y temas relacionados.

En ese libro se propone un plan básico para empezar a dar retroalimentación a tu equipo, cómo te debes preparar, cómo dar retroalimentación a empleados difíciles y también a las estrellas de tue equipo. Finalmente invita a establecer una cultura en la que dar retroalimentación body of water lo natural y esperado.

Básicamente, establece la retroalimentación como un medio efectivo para la mejora constante, no como un fin en sí mismo.

Si quieres dar buena retroalimentación, este libro te puede ayudar a empezar.

Jun 23, 2018 rated it actually liked information technology
For $thirteen, this is a prissy picayune reference text that introduces some high-level but helpful all-time practices around giving feedback, to straight reports, colleagues, and even bosses. I did some useful highlighting throughout simply really wanted a lot more. That said, information technology helped me organize my thoughts enough that I can figure out the specific areas I desire to deep-dive into. As ever, with HBR yous are essentially getting a digest of many, many books and articles, all of which are listed beyond 9 pages at For $13, this is a nice little reference text that introduces some high-level only helpful best practices effectually giving feedback, to direct reports, colleagues, and even bosses. I did some useful highlighting throughout only actually wanted a lot more. That said, it helped me organize my thoughts enough that I tin figure out the specific areas I want to deep-dive into. As always, with HBR y'all are essentially getting a digest of many, many books and manufactures, all of which are listed across 9 pages at the end. Worth picking up if you (like me) are completely new to the concept of giving feedback at piece of work. ...more
Cyril Danthi
Apr 29, 2020 rated it really liked it
Providing feedback an toughest thing in professional and personal situations, that can brand or break a relationship. Feedback is often corrective which means its intended to help the recipient change course or adjust practices when the electric current ones aren't working. Therefore giving effective feedback becomes critical. The objective of feedback conversation is to reinforce positive behavior or improve performance.

The book provides a clear guidelines and difference between feedback, coaching and P

Providing feedback an toughest thing in professional person and personal situations, that tin can make or break a relationship. Feedback is often cosmetic which ways its intended to help the recipient change course or adjust practices when the electric current ones aren't working. Therefore giving effective feedback becomes disquisitional. The objective of feedback conversation is to reinforce positive behavior or better performance.

The volume provides a clear guidelines and divergence between feedback, coaching and Performance Appraisal. Feedback discussion us an opportunity to share the observations with others most the performance and behavior. It becomes very important to identify the right situation to provide the feedback. The best office of the book is the flow on feedback process - from planning to monitoring. Feedback is very like shooting fish in a barrel to influence job skills, time and work management and knowledge only information technology is difficult to influence on attributes, habits and personality traits.
Some of the points that needs to be followed during feedback are
- Agile Listening | Observation on Nonverbal cues | Monitoring the reactions | Paraphrase the recipient.

One should also continue in mind that Feedback is not a cure-all for workplace ills. The book besides provides guide on providing feedback to loftier performers, difficult conversations and feedback to boss and tips on giving positive feedback publicly.

A modest book, very handy and helpful

Nov 21, 2021 rated it really liked it
This was a really good read considering I love getting feedback but hate giving it. Now I experience much more than confident about it.

1. Deliver correct time, oft, and in context

a. Requite feedback when: good work, successful projects deserve to be recognized, when the likelihood to amend skills is high because the opportunity to use those skills once more is imminent, when the person is already expecting feedback and when the problem cannot be ignored
b.Don't give feedback when: when you don't have all the i

This was a actually expert read considering I love getting feedback just hate giving it. Now I feel much more confident about it.

ane. Deliver right fourth dimension, frequently, and in context

a. Give feedback when: skillful work, successful projects deserve to be recognized, when the likelihood to ameliorate skills is high because the opportunity to employ those skills once again is imminent, when the person is already expecting feedback and when the problem cannot be ignored
b.Don't requite feedback when: when y'all don't take all the information about a given incident when the just feedback you tin offer is something the recipient tin can't modify or control when the person who needs the feedback is highly emotional or vulnerable when you don't have the fourth dimension to deliver the feedback in a calm and thorough manner when the feedback is based on personal preference and non a need for more effective behavior when you have not yet formulated a possible solution to help the recipient move forward. Give POSITIVE FEEDBACK REGULARLY!

2. Aims to achieve a specific effect
iii. Realistic in expectations
iv. Shows respect for the recipient
v. Expressed every bit a betoken of view rather than absolute truth
vi. Presumes an opportunity for a follow-up

Henrique Brighenti
I got the audiobook version!

At first I idea information technology was funny the mechanical way of the narrator. Seemed like one of those really sometime TV comercials or government wellness publicity, like from the 80s or before. And so I realized it fits the book and the words really well.

It'south not exactly bad advice but it is clearly a book written past a manager man, to another human manager. Sometimes it seemed that it was only about giving feedbacks to woman... in the only example with a male recipient of the feedback,

I got the audiobook version!

At first I thought it was funny the mechanical way of the narrator. Seemed like one of those really one-time TV comercials or government health publicity, like from the 80s or before. Then I realized it fits the book and the words really well.

It'south not exactly bad advice just it is conspicuously a volume written by a manager man, to another homo manager. Sometimes it seemed that it was only almost giving feedbacks to woman... in the only example with a male recipient of the feedback, the guy is decumbent to ternion out, because women are always docile....

And it says it is near feedback to colleagues, bosses and employees alike, but it didn't seem then... the advices are mechanical, almost robotic and although it does have in consideration people's feelings it seemed cold anyways...

Peradventure I'thousand privileged to be in an environs where feedback is common practice, just zippo about this book went beyond the obvious to me. Maybe it is good to others.

Dhruv Sharma
Dec 14, 2019 rated it really liked it
Very informative and interesting.

Creating feedback that is truly useful requires more intendance and attention than is typically invested. Like whatsoever skill — chess, golf, learning Mandarin — offering strategic developmental feedback requires that we pay attention to and do many things finer and simultaneously. Given the opportunity to help others develop and go more constructive, information technology's worth the try.

Alex Melber
May eleven, 2020 rated it really liked information technology
Helpful tips and reminders around feedback. Volition exist a resource I reference in the future.

Biggest takeaways -

ane. Start and foremost, build trust with your people. They need to know you are for them and want to run across them abound and succeed. This allows for feedback (whether praise or correction) to come from a good for you place so it is best received.

2. Create clear goals around your vision where people know when they (and the organization) are winning.

Apr 18, 2021 rated it liked it
Quick read on giving effective feedback as a office of the HBR twenty minute director serial. Not too much groundbreaking. The i topic I did find effective was the follow upwards program. Creating a development programme to implement changes discussed during feedback session and how to follow upwards are crucial. Started reading over breakfast finished when I was on my 2d cup of coffee.
Nov 13, 2020 rated it really liked it
This book is very informative. When information technology comes to giving feedback it helps you empathize the importance, but as well helps y'all acquire how to give feedback.
I honestly think this volume will help me in my daily life even if it's only giving my husband feedback.
Oct xiii, 2020 rated information technology liked it
While I do capeesh brevity I feel similar I blinked and this was over. While it might exist somewhat helpful for some, information technology wasn't what I was hoping for. I would prefer something outlining a formal construction for providing written feedback. While I exercise appreciate brevity I feel like I blinked and this was over. While information technology might be somewhat helpful for some, it wasn't what I was hoping for. I would prefer something outlining a formal construction for providing written feedback. ...more
Jul 27, 2019 rated it really liked information technology
Good tips on handling difficult conversations. Though one tin slightly doubt on the applied use of it. Will give information technology a attempt!
M Laura Engelbrecht
Es lo que promete, united nations libro corto y accionable. Explica muchos ejemplos útiles. Destaco la importancia que se le da al "feedback positivo". Es lo que promete, un libro corto y accionable. Explica muchos ejemplos útiles. Destaco la importancia que se le da al "feedback positivo". ...more
Dec 09, 2021 rated it it was amazing
I am very impressed by this 1. Very practical, curtailed and covers many useful scenarios.
April 03, 2020 rated it really liked it
Good quick read. Lots of helpful tips and good insights.
Charles Yong
February 03, 2021 rated it it was amazing
Bully well-baked and to the betoken tips on giving not bad actionable feedback.
Zogié Emokaro
Oct 08, 2020 rated it it was amazing
I have e'er wanted to learn how to express my thoughts on things and this book helped out in giving potent and effective criticism. The points will be useful in the long run particularly when nosotros converse to people nigh all the time. This book gave me usedul tips in applying my inputs in teams work and what not. Highly recommend.
Jessica Lam
It feels obvious after you've read it, but it'due south astonishing how often people do the contrary and none of those and are allowed in exec positions - namely founders. It's a short but effective read and should be a requirement for anyone tasked with leading a team. It'll certainly exist something I come back to for refreshing my retention. It feels obvious after you've read it, only it'due south astonishing how often people practice the opposite and none of those and are allowed in exec positions - namely founders. It'southward a curt only effective read and should be a requirement for anyone tasked with leading a team. Information technology'll certainly be something I come back to for refreshing my memory. ...more than

A quick read and it gives concise actions which can be implemented immediately.

There is a real scientific discipline on how nosotros tin can provide a feedback and why should we differentiate information technology from Coaching, Mentoring and Performance Appraisals. Quite oft we tend to mix them.

Top things that a worth mentioning from my perspective are:

  I assumed that the other person cannot take feedback. If you are doing it right, fifty-fifty the most defensive person could handle information technology.
Timing is disquisitional for giving feedb

A quick read and it gives concise actions which can be implemented immediately.

There is a real science on how we can provide a feedback and why should we differentiate it from Coaching, Mentoring and Operation Appraisals. Quite often we tend to mix them.

Top things that a worth mentioning from my perspective are:

  I assumed that the other person cannot accept feedback. If you are doing it right, even the most defensive person could handle information technology.
Timing is critical for giving feedback. Best fourth dimension is when the other person has cooled down. The cooling period gives you lot time to structure your feedback with valid points.
Nosotros should not assume and provide feedback merely rather questions and hear the person's perspective.
Giving a feedback or receiving one is behavioural alter. It cannot happen without an environs created. If y'all want an environment that encourages feedback, start past accepting feedback openly.

Feedback is most effective when we focus on the behaviour that the recipient can change and its delivery is timed.

Y'all can read this book within 20 minutes.

M Lewis Hansen
Giving Constructive Feedback breaks down impactful means to provide feedback to direct reports, peers, and superiors in a format which improves the take chances that it will be heard and used. It addresses follow up, and discusses ways to hash out feedback in situations where it might not be openly accustomed. It's a fast read and like shooting fish in a barrel to navigate for reference. The Acquire More department at the back of the book turns this quick refernece slice into a jumping off point for diggin in to work on these skills. Giving Effective Feedback breaks down impactful means to provide feedback to direct reports, peers, and superiors in a format which improves the chance that information technology volition be heard and used. It addresses follow upwards, and discusses means to discuss feedback in situations where it might not be openly accepted. Information technology'south a fast read and piece of cake to navigate for reference. The Learn More section at the back of the book turns this quick refernece piece into a jumping off point for diggin in to work on these skills. ...more
Ryan Perkins
Snap shot read I recommend to all. This quick read can be used often to remind us of the importance and impact of our feedback. Favriote quote "Praise effort, not ability" this like shooting fish in a barrel to remember idea can go your daily mantra. Retrieve to praise those effectually you for their piece of work, including failures. Snap shot read I recommend to all. This quick read can be used frequently to remind us of the importance and impact of our feedback. Favriote quote "Praise attempt, non ability" this easy to recollect thought can become your daily mantra. Think to praise those around you for their work, including failures. ...more
Ishwar Anand
An essential tool for the health of an arrangement. Feedback should be effective should be heard and implemented. Recollect in a fashion finding a path where the desired problem does not ascend. You assess that particular path with the help of feedback
Jan 29, 2015 rated it really liked it
This has skilful, full general communication. It has a section on how to approach your own boss with feedback, too, but I couldn't imagine having done that with The Beast. This has expert, general advice. It has a department on how to approach your own boss with feedback, too, but I couldn't imagine having done that with The Fauna. ...more than
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Michelle Cline
Gavin Lissimore
Ana María León Miravalles

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